ProFTPD module mod_log_forensic

The mod_log_forensic module "captures" log messages generated by proftpd, for all sorts of log destinations, even if those log messages would otherwise not be written out, and buffers them in memory. When certain criteria are met (e.g. failed logins, segfaults, etc), the mod_log_forensic module will flush the buffered log messages out to a file. Installation instructions are discussed here.

The most current version of mod_log_forensic is distributed with the ProFTPD source code.


Please contact TJ Saunders <tj at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.



Syntax: ForensicLogBufferSize count
Default: 1024
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_log_forensic
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc3 and later

The ForensicLogBufferSize directives configures the count of log messages that mod_log_forensic will buffer. It is effectively the count of the last count log messages you wish to see logged, when one of the ForensicLogCriteria are met.


Syntax: ForensicLogCapture log-type1 ...
Default: Unspec TransferLog syslog SystemLog ExtendedLog TraceLog
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_log_forensic
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc3 and later

The ForensicLogCapture directive configures which log types the mod_log_forensic module "captures" for later writing. By default, mod_log_forensic captures messages for all log types.

The supported log types are:


Syntax: ForensicLogCriteria criterion1 ...
Default: FailedLogin UntimelyDeath
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_log_forensic
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc3 and later

The ForensicLogCriteria directive configures the criteria which determine when mod_log_forensic will flush its buffered log messages out to the configured ForensicLogFile. Multiple criteria can be specified.

The currently supported criteria are:


Syntax: ForensicLogEngine on|off
Default: off
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_log_forensic
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc3 and later

The ForensicLogEngine directive enables or disables the mod_log_forensic module.


Syntax: ForensicLogFile file
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_log_forensic
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc3 and later

The ForensicLogFile directive configures a file used for logging by mod_log_forensic. The configured file must be an absolute path.

Note that this directive is required for mod_log_forensic to function properly.


The mod_log_forensic module is distributed with ProFTPD. For including mod_log_forensic as a statically linked module, use:
  $ ./configure --with-modules=mod_log_forensic ...
Alternatively, mod_log_forensic can be built as a DSO module:
  $ ./configure --enable-dso --with-shared=mod_log_forensic ...
Then follow the usual steps:
  $ make
  $ make install

Alternatively, if your proftpd was compiled with DSO support, you can use the prxs tool to build mod_log_forensic as a shared module:

  $ prxs -c -i -d mod_log_forensic.c


Example mod_log_forensic configuration:

  <IfModule mod_log_forensic.c>
    ForensicLogEngine on
    ForensicLogFile /path/to/forensic.log

For a failed login, the configured ForensicLogFile will contain a block of log lines, e.g.:

  Server-Address: ::ffff:
  Elapsed: 1245
  Protocol: ftp
  User: tj
  UID: 501
  GID: 501
  Raw-Bytes-In: 46
  Raw-Bytes-Out: 158
  Total-Bytes-In: 0
  Total-Bytes-Out: 0
  Total-Files-In: 0
  Total-Files-Out: 0

  [syslog:7, PID 16044] dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] retrieved UID 1000 for user 'tj'
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] retrieved group IDs: 1000, 0, 4, 20, 24, 46, 108, 109, 110
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] retrieved group names: tj, root, adm, dialout, cdrom, plugdev, lpadmin, sambashare, admin
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth_pam.c:312
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth_pam.c:482
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth_unix.c:467
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth_unix.c:548
  [SystemLog:5] familiar proftpd[15509] localhost (localhost[]): USER tj (Login failed): Incorrect password.
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
  [syslog:7, PID 16044] dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
For sessions which suffer an "untimely death", the begin/end markers in the ForensicLogFile are:
  Server-Address: ::ffff:
  Elapsed: 1245
  Protocol: ftp
  User: tj
  UID: 501
  GID: 501
  Raw-Bytes-In: 46
  Raw-Bytes-Out: 158
  Total-Bytes-In: 0
  Total-Bytes-Out: 0
  Total-Files-In: 0
  Total-Files-Out: 0


What's the big deal with this module? What advantage does it provide over the normal proftpd logging? The advantage is that with mod_log_forensic, you do not have to configure ProFTPD to use verbose logging (i.e. high DebugLevel and/or Trace levels). If ProFTPD generated a log message internally but that log message was filtered, then that log message would not normally be written to disk -- but mod_log_forensic buffers that log message anyway.

To see this, simply use the following in your proftpd.conf:

  TraceLog /path/to/ftpd/trace.log
  Trace DEFAULT:0

  <IfModule mod_log_forensic.c>
    ForensicLogEngine on
    ForensicLogFile /path/to/ftpd/forensic.log
This configured proftpd for trace logging, but turns the trace logging levels down to zero so that normally, nothing would be written in the configured TraceLog file.

Now attempt to log into proftpd, deliberately using a wrong/bad password (or unknown user). The mod_log_forensic module will write out all of the trace logging messages (and the other SystemLog/syslog messages) to the ForensicLogFile, even though the debug level is at the default level of zero, and the trace levels are all zero. Thus you get the verbose logging needed to help diagnose failed logins and such, without having the verbose logging enabled all of the time.

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All Rights Reserved