ProFTPD module mod_wrap2_redis

This submodule provides the Redis server "driver" for storing IP/DNS-based access control information in Redis lists/sets.

This mod_wrap2 submodule is contained in the mod_wrap2_redis.c file, and is not compiled by default. See the mod_wrap2 installation instructions.


Please contact TJ Saunders <tj at> with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.

Redis Access Lists/Sets

The mod_wrap2_redis module supports the "redis" string for the source-type parameter of the WrapUserTables, WrapGroupTables, and WrapTables, configuration directives. If the "redis" source-type is used, then the source-info parameter must be as described below. Note that support for Redis-based lists/sets requires the use of mod_redis (e.g. via the --enable-redis configure option).

mod_wrap2_redis requires only that the mod_redis module be enabled and configured to access a Redis server.

One Redis list (or set) is needed to retrieving access information from the allow "table", and another list/set for access information from the deny "table". These lists/sets should contain a list of words, where each word is a host name, host address, pattern, or wildcard (see here for how these things are defined).

Optionally, other Redis lists/sets can be defined to look up access options from the allow and deny tables.

For Redis lists, the format for the WrapUserTables, WrapGroupTables, and WrapTables directives is:

  WrapTables redis:/list:allow-list-key[/list:allow-list-options-key] \
where the allow-list-options-key and deny-list-options-key portions of the string are optional.

For Redis sets, the format is similar to the above, only you specify a key prefix of "set:" rather than "list", e.g.:

  WrapTables redis:/set:allow-set-key[/set:allow-set-options-key] \

Redis Access Lists/Sets Example
Here are example directives to help demonstrate how the mod_redis hooks are used by mod_wrap2_redis. These example directives assume the existence of two lists: a wrapallow list that defines allowed clients, and a wrapdeny list that defines the denied clients.

  # Using Redis lists
  WrapTables redis:/list:wrapallow redis:/list:wrapdeny

  # Using Redis sets
  WrapTables redis:/set:wrapallow redis:/set:wrapdeny

For per-user/per-group lists/sets, the key name can use the %{name} variable, like so:

  WrapUserTables * redis:/list:wrapallow.%{name} redis:/list:wrapdeny.%{name}
  WrapGroupTables * redis:/list:wrapallow.%{name} redis:/list:wrapdeny.%{name}
In the case of WrapUserTables, the %{name} variable will be resolved to the user name (from the USER command) of the logging-in user; for WrapGroupTables, %{name} will be resolved to the name of the user's primary group.

If the administrator wants to make use of access options, then URIs for those options would need to be similarly defined:

  # Access tables for users (with options)
  WrapUserTables user1,user2 \
    redis:/list:allowed.%{name}/list:allowed-options.%{name} \

  # Access tables for groups (with options)
  WrapGroupTables group1,group2 \
    redis:/list:allowed.%{name}/list:allowed-options.%{name} \

  # Access tables for everyone else (without options)
  WrapTables redis:/list:allowed redis:/list:denied

When constructing the client and options lists to return to mod_wrap2's access control engine, mod_wrap2_redis will parse each returned item separately, handling both comma- and space-limited names in an item, into client list items. This means that the administrator can store multiple client and option tokens in multiple items, as in the above schema, or the administrator can choose to store all of the clients and/or options in a single item, in an appropriately formatted string.

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