ProFTPD module mod_memcache

The mod_memcache module enables ProFTPD support for caching data in memcached servers, using the libmemcached client library. Note that libmemcached version 0.41 or later is required.



Syntax: MemcacheEngine on|off
Default: MemcacheEngine off
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

The MemcacheEngine directive enables or disables the mod_memcache module, and thus the configuration of memcache support for the proftpd daemon.


Syntax: MemcacheLog path|"none"
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

The MemcacheLog directive is used to specify a log file for mod_memcache's reporting on a per-server basis. The file parameter given must be the full path to the file to use for logging.

Note that this path must not be to a world-writable directory and, unless AllowLogSymlinks is explicitly set to on (generally a bad idea), the path must not be a symbolic link.


Syntax: MemcacheOptions opt1 ... optN
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

The currently supported MemcacheOptions are:


Syntax: MemcacheReplicas count
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

Experimental feature


Syntax: MemcacheServers servers
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

The MemcacheServers directive is used to configure the IP addresses/ports of the memcached servers that the mod_memcache module is to use. The list of servers is expressed as a space-delimited list. For example:


Alternatively, you can configure a Unix domain socket path using e.g.:

  MemcacheServers /var/run/memcached.sock


Syntax: MemcacheTimeouts connect read write
Default: None
Context: server config, <VirtualHost>, <Global>
Module: mod_memcache
Compatibility: 1.3.4rc2 and later

Experimental feature


The mod_memcache module is distributed with ProFTPD. To enable support and use of the memcache protocol in your proftpd daemon, use the --enable-memcache configure option:
  $ ./configure --enable-memcache ...
  $ make
  $ make install
This option causes the mod_memcache module to be compiled into proftpd.

You may also need to tell configure how to find the libmemcached header and library files:

  $ ./configure --enable-memcache \
    --with-includes=/path/to/libmemcached/include \

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